Thursday, February 16, 2012

Random Research - January & February

Assalamualaikum (Peace Be Upon You),

I meant to post these earlier but was somewhat busy. I tend to have a knack for finding (and perhaps searching) for random and slightly weird researches. These are two that I came across in January and February.

January - Durian Fever
In January, my facebook news feed was inundated with durian pics from friends back home in Brunei. For those who have no idea what I'm writing about, durian is a fruit which I believe is found mainly in Asia. Some hate it, some love it, for it has a strong smell associated with it. This research got my attention, for it is ironic that something with a strong smell could potentially be a mouth disinfectant.

February - Don't Hurt the Clowns

After my fieldwork, all hands are now on deck, going through statistics books. However, while reading one book, I randomly stumbled through a research on clowns and coulrophobia (fear of clowns), and somehow ended up reading this article. Though the article isn't exactly a research per se, it does point out clowns are people too (?).


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